WordPress Malware Removal

A common task I get asked to undertake is to remove malware from WordPress websites. Thankfully, I have the tools to help out.

How to tell if your WordPress website is infected?

There are a number of signs that your WordPress website has been hacked, some more obvious than others. They include:

  • WordPress site redirecting to spam site
  • Google results show a ‘Site may be hacked’ message
  • Google blacklist
  • Google Ads flags scripts on your website
  • Web host has suspended your account
  • People are complaining

Can you guarantee removing the malware?

There are no guarantees in this world, but I’m armed with great tools and I have a great success rate. If I can’t remove the malware, I won’t be charging you.

How can I stop malware coming back?

This is the most important question. If your website or server has been a successful target for malware, it will most likely continue to be targeted. There are a number of things that can be done to combat malware. including:

  • Ensuring that WordPress core files are up to date
  • Ensuring that WordPress theme files are up to date
  • Ensuring that WordPress plugins are up to date
  • Ensuring that your theme and plugins are reputable and supported
  • Ensuring that you are hosted on non-shared servers
  • Utilise brute force protection
  • Add malware scans & firewalls
  • Include IP lockout facilities
  • Add 2-factor authentication to your website login

It’s worth noting that I include all of the above in my wordpress hosting packages 🙂

How much does it cost to remove WordPress malware?

Typically I charge $150USD to remove the malware from infected WordPress websites. If for any reason I’m unsuccessful, I won’t charge you.

If you think that your site might be infected with malware, send me a few details and I’ll be in touch the same/next working day.

Are you suffering with malware?

Check the “Malware removal” box via the form and I’ll be in touch very soon.