WordPress Performance

I setup and manage a number of WordPress performance enhancement functionalities. Combined with lightning-fast servers, I can significantly boost WordPress performance.

Dedicated resources - nothing shared

Sharing website resources means more chance of performance issues or downtime. Our hosting gives you dedicated memory, CPU, and SSD storage that is independent of any other sites – including others you host with me!

Content delivery network (CDN)

Share your files from 45 server locations across 5 continents. Our WordPress CDN comes preconfigured on our world-class dedicated hosting for added speed, scalability, and security.

Image compression, rescaling and lazy load

One of the biggest threats to your Google Page Speed score is your website’s images. I automate the optimisation of your images upon upload and then deliver them via super-fast CDN.

Optimisation, compression & cache

Significantly reduce page load times by minifying, combining & compressing your code before serving them to the browser.

Smart browser cache means a better Google Page Speed score and lightening fast load times for your users.

Improve WordPress Performance

I setup and manage a number of WordPress performance enhancement functionalities. Combined with lightning-fast servers, I can significantly boost WordPress performance.


Unlimited 45 point CDN

Take the load off your server by serving your files from 45 locations worldwide.


Page & browser cache

Get faster load times with full-page, browser, RSS and gravatar cache.


Gzip file compression

Gzip compresses your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files before sending them over to the browser.


Asset optimisation

Compress, inline, combine, defer, or move your files to improve page speed without any coding knowledge.


Image optimisation

Advanced compression algorithm to save more than 2x without any drop in visual quality.


Image resizing

“Properly size images” as recommended by Google, so the images fit within the container correctly.


Image lazy load

Lazy load images to defer offscreen images, and improve page speed.


45 point image CDN

Your site will load fast for every visitor and rank better on speed tests.


End-to-end encryption

Ensuring secure delivery of images and website data to your visitors.